Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Last day

Last day of me. The appts have been very hard. I am exhausted in all ways. I am scared. I miss my kids. I want to live. I am overwhelmed and worried about my future. Too drained to write anymore.


  1. I am praying for you and wish you some comfort and peace.

  2. Praying for you...... How are you? Keep your kids faces in your mind... (I know you do)... Their strength and love for you will sustain you! You are going to make it through this...

  3. Hang in there. Things are tough, but you can do this.

  4. I check this page everyday.... I continue to pray for you..... I know this is horrible.... Hopefully you find some relief soon. -

  5. I'm a mom too with colon cancer stage 3b, be strong you can do it for your kids they need us we can,t go.
