Wednesday, November 17, 2010

I am fried

I have started radiation, hopefully I won't get too fried. I am doing all the precautionary stuff I have learned from the colonclub message boards in hopes it won't get too bad. It took me about 7 times not to cry during the treatment. It sucks doing radiation more than the chemo for me. Sitting in the chemo chair seemed normal to sit. But to lay how you have to lay to get pelvic radiation is uncomfortable and embarrassing. It is every day, like a job you do not want to go, except you get paid in awful side effects. If I stay on track I will be done on Dec 10. Except the frying doesn't stop, you still keep getting fried for weeks afterward.

My blood counts this week was low so they reduced my chemo dose and I will go back Thursday to get it rechecked.

During the radiation I still get chemo in the form of a pump "fanny pack" that I wear 24/7 never taking it off just refill it and get a new needle and tubing every Monday. The "purse" it came with was awful and ugly. It had a plastic strap that was thin and would dig into my shoulder. So I found my own purse to put my chemo pump in and it is much better in terms of looks and comfort.

1 comment:

  1. I have to say, I did radiation and 24/7 chemo first, and I found that worse too, but the pain eventually stops. I know I may have got unlucky with the strictures, but that's the kind of girl I am :o) I had a pretty purple monsoon shoulder bag and using again for my third set of the 5FU - makes a big difference to me too.

    It is one of the most undignified cancer in many ways, along with cancers of sexual organs and face I'd say - where your looks everyone can see, or bodily functions you depend on are suddenly everyone's business. But that's just because nobody talks about it. The more we do, the more normal functions will be, the less scared we'll be to see doctors and maybe people will get help faster. Sleep when you're not eating on radiation - that's my biggest tip, apart from aqueous cream - slap it on!

    For me radiation shrank the tumour and killed one lymph tumour off, if not permanent remission, I got 3 years free of tumours. I'd say overall, if I'm honest it was worth that.

    Be nice to yourself.
