All the kids, including Trooper, did great with Natalie (Trooper thanks you especially!) and Allison and Constantine. THANK YOU!
When we came to pick him up we forgot his bottle and pacifier. (We had already lost 1 other bottle in our house somewhere!) We were on our way to Gilda's Club for a parent mtg about the cancer camp the kids are going to in July. So he was fussy there and I couldn't hold him since he just kept wanting to nurse.
At home, Jedi took him out of the car seat, he was crying, and he fed him, he took 1 oz. I tried to hold and rock him but he just cried for 30 min. The cry was different from all his other cries. I never say no to nursing him before this. I tried playing a pacifier game where I put it in my mouth and then he would take out of my mouth and he would put it in his mouth. This didn't last too long and he never sucked on it, just chewed. Jedi took him back. So far right now he is "better" with Jedi. Jedi is not looking forward to tonight--- being up and feeding him and trying to get him to sleep and stay asleep. He really has not ever had to do any of this before.
I have started my first side effects of the chemo. My forearms feel squeezed and tingle. My sight is weird. I feel a little drunk when I move my head and have had tunnel vision a view times. They say it will get worse until Saturday and then get a better until next time and then every time after that it will take longer to recover until you don't recover until the chemo is over.
Good night! Good night? I hope so.
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